This weeks Challenge, Funny Animals, was such a hit! There were SO many fabulous creations submitted!! Random.org chose #15 Annmaree, Emu Creations! Yay Annmaree!
Since there were so many FUNNY and WONDERFUL cards this week we decided to choose 1 from each category!
DaisyChain with Fast Food for Funniest Animal and

Stamping All Seasons for Bailee's Pick! Congratulations Ladies!! Please contact us at
doodlepalacedesigns@yahoo.com to claim your 2 free images!!! Also, you guys get to design a Challenge for us as well!!!
Now, for this week's Challenge!!! Are ya READY? Deb Neerman is this week's Guest Designer and boy is her example card CUTE! She also gave several examples of which type of challenge this card could be used for! Yay! Join more Challenges!!!

I'm thinking that this card project could represent any of the following challenges:
1. A color challenge (strictly black & red & one neutral);
2. A challenge to use chipboard;
3. A challenge to create a graduation card or gift;
4. A challenge to use numbers and/or letters on your project;
5. A challenge to use recycled/upcycled items (a vintage dictionary page
was used here);
6. A challenge to create a "vintage-inspired" project.
OR, any combination of the above.
Now, let's get to know Deb a little better!!
What is your favorite craft medium? Stamps ... closely followed by Designer paper!
What is your favorite scrap item/tool? Photoshop ... I'm a digital scrapper. Which is just a fancy way of continuing my paper-hoarding ways.
What is your favorite paper line/company? Now that's a tough question, lol! I am the consummate paper hoarder and I love me some paper but I usually find myself purchasing paper by BasicGrey, Cosmo Cricket, My Mind's Eye, October Afternoon, Stampin' Up! and Webster Pages. Using it? Well, that's a whole 'nother thing ... we'd need a shrink and years of therapy to figger that out!
What is your favorite color(s)? As for combinations, I love to pair up turquoise and brown, black, or orange! I also love working with a crisp red, white, and blue color combination ... and almost any bright color with black. On their own, I love cobalt, turquoise, and indigo blue color tones.
How do you have your scraproom decorated? LOL, now THAT'S funny! I have no decorating theme or style going on AT ALL in my studio. It is literally packed from floor to ceiling with supplies. Every available inch of wall space is dedicated to storage, including ink pad and refills and rubber stamp storage. I also have a full-to-overflowing 6' x 4' closet dedicated to storage. I have a bit of leg room under my work table, otherwise, it's all storage. I have lower kitchen cabinets installed in my studio and they are packed with card stock and patterned paper. I have a mini-mountain of paper scraps saved in large storage bins, as well as a seven-drawer wheeled Iris storage system full of nothing but punches. Even my doors are utilized as storage space. People are pretty much speechless when they come into my studio for the first time. And I won't bore you with mention of all of the vintage ephemera, vintage toys of all types, vintage pens and pen nibs, vintage fabric and sewing notions, vintage games and game playing pieces, or vintage photographs and cabinet cards I have packed in there as well! And yet, I keep buying more ...
Are you an animal person? I love all animals ... especially wildlife. I live in sub-tropical South Florida and live w-a-y out in the country surrounded by every kind of animal and bird you can imagine would live in this climate ... including alligators and all kinds of lizards, storks, hawks, and eagles and even the occasional wild boar. Every day, I see something new and beautiful to admire. As far as in the home, I'm a kitty-person, kept by two gorgeous Persians: Bob, a 14 year-old Lilac Point Persian, and Gabby, a 6 year-old Dilute Calico Persian.
What is your favorite Disney movie? Omigosh, "Monsters, Inc." for sure! And while I rarely buy movies, this is one that I had-to-have.
Do you watch TV/Movies while working? No, I'm too easily distracted ... LOOK, something shiny!
Do you get your inspiration from them? If I do, it's subliminal.
Sweet or Savory snacks? I've never met a snack that I didn't like! Especially chocolate ...
Scary or Romantic movies? Definitely romantic. I can't watch scary movies, they absolutely terrify me while watching them and later gift me with horrible nightmares. Really, I'm 6 years old ...
Beach or Snow vacations? I live in beach heaven, and love the heat, so no question: the beach!
Favorite type of music? Almost anything but whatever it is, it has to be listened to at sound-barrier-breaking levels.